1- We are coordinating a
wedding of a less-active and her husband (yeah, we're doing it tonight
XD ) His cousin actually was an investigator that Elder DeYoung found
on a division, so SWEET we're going to baptize his cousin next weekend
XD and here in a month when the wedding papers actually go throuh,
we'll baptize him.
2- Supprise Sleep-over of the Assistents....oh, the joys of being a LZ.... We get a call at 8:45
one night, from them (not abnormal) asking what was the number of our
appartment (abnormal question). They were in front. 30 minutes later
when we arrived, they were waiting 13 blocks away. (fun stuff....)
Well..... suprise Zone conference the next day. yay. President Wright
arrived and brought the AP's (Elder Anastácio e Elder Nelson) (the two
are from my group in the MTC) crazy nah?!? Well, our cubicle of an
apartament was packed with 4 Elderes...Elder Anastácio had to sleep in
the kitchen, which is about the size of our computer desk at home....XD
Oh well, all's well there.
3- We had a baptism of Rainesca (pronounced
hi-neh-skah). Awesome- she was a reference of a member recently
baptized.... we were walking down the street and the member called to
us, and said, hey! this is my friend! She's not baptized, can you teach
her? hahahahahahahaha sometimes it feels too easy! We work and fight
and bite and claw to work with people all day, and at the end of the
day, nothing goes right, but then the next day, the blessing comes and
it falls in you lap. WOOOHOOO so, after 2 weeks of teaching, our new
Cearense friend was baptized yesterday. Seriously, the best integrated
and most functional baptisms are friends of members who are "afastado da
verdade porque não sabem onde encontrar-la" I really don't know the
translation, away from the truth because they don't know where to find
it? Go D&C.
Anyways, For the first time in this transfer, I feel
organized, and prepared, we have 4 solid baptisms planned for the next 4
weeks, *(1-per week, so we can meet all requirements for the
baptisms...., funny how it worked out like that, but I'm feeling very
prepared) I'm excited.
We are really blessed here and to be working in this
time....When I arrived, an Elder that was leaving told us that this is
the South, where it is really hard to work, and If we were lucky, we
would baptise 24 people (1 per month). Bahahahahahahahahaha. Well, we
just work. Work work and work. Slackers baptize 24 people nowdays. The
challenge is different here than in the other places. We baptize.
Baptize is easy, you just have to be a good salesman, use all the
techniques in Preach My Gospel, and help the investigator feel the
Spirit. The hard part is the integration, making friends, and adapting
to the LDS culture whiech is very different than typical Brazilian... it
involves commitments XD but it's true (our ward has over 1,000 members)
but a frequency of 175 last Sunday (which is actually better than most
wards here...most wards have frequencies of more or less 100 people) I
am excited and I love working here in Passo Fundo (translation?: Back
Step, or Deep Step) When I arrived, everybody was sluggish and vey
unmotivated...but as of lately, the ward is starting to work and we are
seeing LOTS of results. I really hope that I am not transfered next
week....XD oh well. I love Brazil.
amo vocês,
Elder Eliason
P.S. Quote of the Stake conference w/ Elder Grande (70)
difference between the Terestrial Kindom and Celestial, is not that of
obedience. Those who obeyed and did everything that was asked will go to
the Terestrial kingdom. The difference is that those who obeyed and
did everything that was asked of them, and became that thing, will go to
the Celestial Kingdom. We must BECOME and LOVE what has been asked of us. That is the difference."
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Baptism of Rainesca |
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we bought pastels the size of a large plate....full of white chocolate and strawberries----SO GOOD!!!!! (about 1 kg the weight) |
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